Due to the pandemic, CPVV has stopped issuing invoices for all annual and renewal fees for driver accreditation and driving instructor authorities. Driving instructors are not required to pay renewal invoices received until further notice. CPVV will not commence issuing invoices for commercial passenger vehicle registration annual fees until further notice. PPE and who has access to it The CPVV Trust and Safety Assurance team is almost ready to distribute PPE products, working rapidly to finalise the process. This PPE will only be available to BSPs to distribute to their workforce - there will be guidelines around this on the CPVV website once it comes into play. There has been a delay in setting up this system, as there was a limited number of suppliers that had stock which CPVV could approach and it has taken more time than initially anticipated. BSPs will need to make a request to receive the PPE, through the CPVV website - a request form and more information on this measure will be provided in the coming days here https://cpv.vic.gov.au/booking-service-providers/coronavirus-covid-19. The Taskforce will courier products to the requesting BSPs. This is a buyback scheme, so an invoice will be issued for the product to the BSP (but it will be exempt from the courier service fee). The BSP & CPV Industry CPVV has been conducting weekly surveys of BSPs. There are 5 weeks left in the current program; the response so far has not been fantastic given that it only takes 5 minutes to partake. However, there are still many that are responding. All BSPs are encouraged to compete the survey, as the government is using this information to develop a better COVID-19 response and industry support packages - complete the survey here: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5515934/CPVV-skype-meeting-survey If BSPs or CPVs need additional support with trip data, get in touch with the data collection team at [email protected] CPVV Activities Some of this extra work the CPVV is currently undertaking deviates from their role as the industry regulator and their job in maintaining other safety levels. The government has asked all departments to assist with the COVID-19 Taskforce - and to give it information, advice, statistics and updates. The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) are working on arrangements for transporting people starting and finishing international travel quarantine. CPVV has connected BSPs with DJPR, to transport quarantined people to their next destination. No single BSP has been given favouritism - work should be spread across the industry so there is a balance. Cabcharge Eftpos Terminals Some drivers have been leaving BSPs and going independent. Many who have applied to be a merchant partner for Cabcharge have been told to wait for up to 10 weeks to successfully book an eftpos terminal fitting. Drivers in this situation should let CPVV know via email. The suppliers of the terminals certainly have an obligation to supply and fit in a timely manner. Having an eftpos terminal with MPTP capability is a condition of vehicle registration. MPTP review was being undertaken by CPVV before COVID-19 - but that has been put on hold. It may be possible that some elements of this review could be implemented now. The $1 Levy Many drivers are struggling so much that they wouldn’t have the funds to pay the upcoming $1 levy due; this is clear from the surveys taken from BSPs. The State Revenue Office (SRO) looks the $1 levy - and CPVV has communicated to the SRO and government directly that there is support needed here.
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December 2022
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